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单位:江西师范大学教科院心理系 江西 南昌 330027 
关键词:Erectile dysfunction Sexual performance anxiety 

Objective:To understand psychological factors involved in erectile dysfunction.Methods:The erectile dysfunction rating scale (EDRS),State-trait anxiety inventory (STAI),and sexual psychological questionnaire (self-designed) were administered to 74 cases (30 psychogenic ED patients and 44 normal control objects).Results:High levels of sexual performance anxiety were found to affect patients' self-evaluation and coping responses.Sexual performance anxiety,deficient sexual sensitivity and poor communication techniques were the major contributing factors of psychogenic erectile dysfunction.Conclusion:Sexual performance anxiety constitutes a significant factor of erective dysfunction.

Objective:To understand psychological factors involved in erectile dysfunction.Methods:The erectile dysfunction rating scale (EDRS),State-trait anxiety inventory (STAI),and sexual psychological questionnaire (self-designed) were administered to 74 cases (30 psychogenic ED patients and 44 normal control objects).Results:High levels of sexual performance anxiety were found to affect patients' self-evaluation and coping responses.Sexual performance anxiety,deficient sexual sensitivity and poor communication techniques were the major contributing factors of psychogenic erectile dysfunction.Conclusion:Sexual performance anxiety constitutes a significant factor of erective dysfunction.


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