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作者:陆亚文1  吴怀安1  闫小华1  徐宏里2  郑铮3  李英霞1 
单位:1. 深圳市精神卫生研究所  广东 深圳 518020 
关键词:Postnatal Depression Depression Catecholamines 

Objective:To explore the plasma catecholamines(CAs)concentration of postnatal depression and to analyze the relationships between postnatal depression and CAs level. Methods:Using high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)to measure the subjects' plasma noradrenaline(NE)?adrenaline(E)and dopamine(DA)concentration. The postnatal depression group was compared with depression, ante partum and normal group.Results: NE level of plasma in the depression group and the postnatal depression group were all higher than those of normal group P<0.05).E:there were no significant differences on E level of plasma between two groups. DA level of plasma in the postnatal depression group higher than that of normal group(P<0.01)but depression group and normal group had no significant difference(P<>0.05).Conclusion:the plasma NE increase is relative to postnatal depression episode,the plasma DA may be relative to postnatal depression episode. The relationship between plasma and postnatal depression remains unclear.

Objective:To explore the plasma catecholamines(CAs)concentration of postnatal depression and to analyze the relationships between postnatal depression and CAs level. Methods:Using high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)to measure the subjects' plasma noradrenaline(NE)?adrenaline(E)and dopamine(DA)concentration. The postnatal depression group was compared with depression, ante partum and normal group.Results: NE level of plasma in the depression group and the postnatal depression group were all higher than those of normal group P<0.05).E:there were no significant differences on E level of plasma between two groups. DA level of plasma in the postnatal depression group higher than that of normal group(P<0.01)but depression group and normal group had no significant difference(P<>0.05).Conclusion:the plasma NE increase is relative to postnatal depression episode,the plasma DA may be relative to postnatal depression episode. The relationship between plasma and postnatal depression remains unclear.


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