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作者:董毅  李晓驷  周华丽  夏玉平  高莉玲  王龙  刘政军 
单位:安徽省精神卫生中心 安徽 合肥 230022 
关键词:SCL-90 Nurses Mental health Occupational stress 

Objective:To study the influence of occupational environment on mental health of nurses.Methods:671 registered nurses were surveyed with Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL -90).The related factors of positive symptoms were analyzed.Results: The nurses showed significantly higher positive item number and scores of somatization and hostility than those of the Chinese female norms.There were significant difference in the score of SCL-90 among the different department nurses;and the nurses who worked in the emergency and obstetric and gynecologic departments had higher score of SCL-90.The analysis of Logistic regression showed that occupational environment had influence on mental health and short nursing experence were related to some positive symptoms.Conclusion:There were some mental problems in the nurse sample and the nurse who worked in different occupational environments had different level of psychological health.

Objective:To study the influence of occupational environment on mental health of nurses.Methods:671 registered nurses were surveyed with Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90).The related factors of positive symptoms were analyzed.Results: The nurses showed significantly higher positive item number and scores of somatization and hostility than those of the Chinese female norms.There were significant difference in the score of SCL-90 among the different department nurses;and the nurses who worked in the emergency and obstetric and gynecologic departments had higher score of SCL-90.The analysis of Logistic regression showed that occupational environment had influence on mental health and short nursing experence were related to some positive symptoms.Conclusion:There were some mental problems in the nurse sample and the nurse who worked in different occupational environments had different level of psychological health.


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