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作者:王玲凤  傅根跃 
单位:浙江大学心理与行为科学系 浙江 杭州 310028 
关键词:Elderly people Mental health Influential factors 

Objective:To study the mental health status and influential factors of elderly people in the rural areas.Methods: 714 elderly people were tested by the SCL-90.Results:All the factor scores of SCL-90 of the elderly people in the rural areas were higher than those of the retired people.Some factor scores of SCL-90 of elderly people showed significant differences because of existence of spouse,physical health,filial piety of sons and daughters, and economic independence.Conclusion:The mental health status of elderly people in the rural areas is poorer than that of retired people.Existence of spouse,physical health, filial piety of sons and daughters and economic independence all influence the mental health of elderly people in the rural areas.

Objective:To study the mental health status and influential factors of elderly people in the rural areas.Methods: 714 elderly people were tested by the SCL-90.Results:All the factor scores of SCL-90 of the elderly people in the rural areas were higher than those of the retired people.Some factor scores of SCL-90 of elderly people showed significant differences because of existence of spouse,physical health,filial piety of sons and daughters, and economic independence.Conclusion:The mental health status of elderly people in the rural areas is poorer than that of retired people.Existence of spouse,physical health, filial piety of sons and daughters and economic independence all influence the mental health of elderly people in the rural areas.


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