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作者:徐涛1  姜宝法2  孙玉卫1  廖玫珍1  尹广庆1 
单位:1. 山东大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计研究所 山东 济南 250012 
关键词:Elderly population Life satisfaction Mental status 

Objective: To study the mental status, life satisfaction and its influential factors among the elderly people.Methods: 1055 country- dwelling aged peoplewere interviewed with questionnaire about their life satisfaction and mental health status, and the influential factors were analysed by multivariate linear stepwise regression.Results:There were 38.3%, 51.3%, and 10.4% of subjects showing high, moderate and low life satisfaction respectively.The main influential factors were psycholog ical factor, marriage status, health condition of spouse, income and so on.Conclusion:Mental health education in the elderly people, especially those without spouse, should be strengthened.

Objective: To study the mental status, life satisfaction and its influential factors among the elderly people.Methods: 1055 country- dwelling aged peoplewere interviewed with questionnaire about their life satisfaction and mental health status, and the influential factors were analysed by multivariate linear stepwise regression.Results:There were 38.3%, 51.3%, and 10.4% of subjects showing high, moderate and low life satisfaction respectively.The main influential factors were psycholog ical factor, marriage status, health condition of spouse, income and so on.Conclusion:Mental health education in the elderly people, especially those without spouse, should be strengthened.


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