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作者:高北陵1  杨蔚2  丁树明1  李映平1  盛璐1 
单位:1. 深圳市精神卫生研究所 广东 深圳 518020 
关键词:认知功能缺损 二项必选数字记忆测验 假阳性 

目的:探讨认知功能缺损程度对二项必选数字记忆测验 (简称二项测验 )成绩的影响。方法:用简易智力状态量表和韦氏成人智力量表简式测查出 38例认知功能缺损者 (研究组 )和 19例无认知功能缺损者 (对照组 ),同时实施二项数字测验。结果:(1)研究组与对照组二项测验容易条目、困难条目、总分的得分差异均无显著性。 (2)智商 70~89者困难条目分及总分显著高于智商 50~ 69及 34~49者;各组间容易条目分的差异均无显著性。 (3)二项测验的假阳性率随着认知功能缺损的加重而有增加趋势。结论:二项测验成绩在一定程度上受认知功能缺损的影响,尤其是严重认知功能减退者,应注意假阳性率的问题。

Objective: To explore the effects of cognitive impairment on the performance of Binomial Forced- Choice Digit Memory Test (BFDMT).Methods: Subjects were screened by Mini- Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the brief form of WAIS- RC.BFDMT was administered to 38 dementias and 19 controls.Results: (1) There was no significant difference in the scores of two dimensions and total score of BFDMT between dementias and controls.(2)There was significant difference in the difficult item scores and the total score among three groups of subjects with different levels of IQ.The difficult item scores and the total score of the subjects with IQ 70~ 84 were significantly higher than those with IQ 50~ 69 and IQ 34~ 49.There were no significant differences among all groups in the easy item scores.(3)The false positive was 15.8% by the cutoff scores of total scores of BFDMT and increased with the decline of IQ.Conclusion: The performance of BFDMT is somewhat influenced by intellectual defect.A high false positive of BFDMT particularly happens in the patients with severe intellectual decline.

国家教育部“留学回国人员科研启动基金 (教外司留2001-345 ) ;广东省医学科研基金立项课题 (A20011632 ) ;广东省自然科学基金重点项目 (2002-021972)

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[8] 高北陵,刘仁刚,丁树明,等.脑外伤后伤残鉴定患者二项必选数字记忆测验应用结果分析. 中国法医学会司法精神病学专业委员会第一次全国司法旧生病学学术会议论文汇编,四川成都,2002.125-137


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