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单位:暨南大学医学院第一附属医院 心理科 广东 广州 510630 
关键词:Learning difficulty Intelligence 

Objective:To analyse the cognitive ability of children with learning difficulty. Methods: 66 children with learning difficulty and 36 normal children were administered China- Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (C- WISC) and the scores of the two groups on the C- WISC were compared. Results: The scores of the group with learing difficulty were significantly lower in verbal and performance than those of the control group. In the group with learing dfficulty, half the children had difference(\13) between VIQ and PIQ, in which PIQ> VIQ accounts for 37.9%, and VIQ> PIQ accounts for 12.1%. Children were divided into the following groups: verbal group (VIQ> PIQ), performance group(PIQ> VIQ), and middle group. The middle groups IQ generally decreased while verbal and performance group decreased only in some aspects, The former was in VIQ and the latter was in PIQ. The subtest scores of middle groups were lower than those of normal groups ex cept Object Arrangement. The scores of the group with learing difficulty on Digit Span and Picture Arrangement were significantly lower than those of the control group. Conclusion: Intelligencedly developed unbalance in children who have difficulty in learning.

Objective:To analyse the cognitive ability of children with learning difficulty. Methods: 66 children with learning difficulty and 36 normal children were administered China-Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (C-WISC) and the scores of the two groups on the C-WISC were compared. Results: The scores of the group with learing difficulty were significantly lower in verbal and performance than those of the control group. In the group with learing dfficulty, half the children had difference(\13) between VIQ and PIQ, in which PIQ> VIQ accounts for 37.9%, and VIQ> PIQ accounts for 12.1%. Children were divided into the following groups: verbal group (VIQ> PIQ), performance group(PIQ> VIQ), and middle group. The middle group. s IQ generally decreased while verbal and performance group decreased only in some aspects, The former was in VIQ and the latter was in PIQ. The subtest scores of middle groups were lower than those of normal groups ex cept Object Arrangement. The scores of the group with learing difficulty on Digit Span and Picture Arrangement were significantly lower than those of the control group. Conclusion: Intelligencedly developed unbalance in children who have difficulty in learning.


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[5] 季卫东,朱性霞,杜亚松. 学习困难儿童认知功能对照研究. 中国心理卫生杂志, 1999, 13(4):213-214
[6] WHO:ICD-10:Clinical Description and Diagmositic Guidelines.Geneva WHO,1989
[7] 森永良子.儿童学习障碍现状及其治疗教育.中国心理卫生杂志,1998,12(2):91-93


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