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作者:王国芳1  韩鹏2  杨晓辉3 4 
单位:1. 中国政法大学社会学院 北京 100088 
 北京青年政治学院 北京 100102 
 中国科学院心理研究所行为科学重点实验室 北京 100101 
 中国科学院大学 北京 100049 
关键词:监狱警察 工作投入 消极情绪调节期待 前摄应对 角色压力 

目的:探讨影响监狱警察工作投入的个体因素消极情绪调节期待(NMRE)和前摄应对与工作投入的关系。方法:采用工作投入量表、监狱警察角色压力量表、消极情绪调节期待量表和前摄应对量表对331名监狱警察进行调查。结果:差异检验表明,男性警察的工作投入水平高于女性[(41.6±14.3)VS (40.6±12.4),t=2.020,P=0.04],年龄越大,监狱警察的工作投入水平越高(F=6.575,P<0.001)。角色压力会降低监狱警察工作投入,NMRE和前摄应对能够提高工作投入,前摄应对部分中介NMRE对工作投入的作用。结论:性别和年龄会影响监狱警察的工作投入。角色压力、NMRE和前摄应对对工作投入有不同的影响。

Objective: To investigate the individual factors that influence job involvement of prison police and the relationship among role stress, negative mood regulation expectancies and work engagement as well as the mediating role of proactive coping. Methods: 331 prison police were measured with Utrecht work engagement scale, prison police role stress scale, negative mood regulation expectancies scale and proactive coping scale. Results: Role stress was negatively correlated with work engagement, while the NMRE and proactive coping was positively correlated with work engagement; Moreover, proactive coping partly mediated the effect of NMRE on work engagement. Conclusion: NMRE and proactive coping have different effects on work engagement.


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