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作者:王文敏  王荪 
单位:昆明医学院附一院神经内科 云南 昆明 650032 
关键词:白质 痴呆 神经行为特征 


The concept of white matter dementia was first introduced by Filley in 1988.It was found following behavioral neurologica researches that patients with this type of dementia manifested the dysfunctions of sustained attention,memory retrievial, frontal lobe and visualspatial function.They also had psychiatric manifestations but language and extrapyramidal function remained normal.10 diseases of white matter disorders are listed for understanding the clinical characteristics of this type of dementia.


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[5] Filly CM,Heaton RK,Nelson LM,et al.A comparison in Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis.Arch Neurol,1989,46:157-161
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[8] Schwid SR,Weinstein A,Scheid EA,et al.Cognitive fatigue measured during a test of sustained attention in multiple sclerosis.Ann Neurol,2000,48:478
[9] Filly CM.The Behavioral Neurology of White Matter.NewYork:Oxford Unoversity Press,2001.204-213
[10] Vlengels L,Lafosse C,van Nunen A,et al.Visuoperceptual impairment in MS patients:nature and possible neural origins.Mult Scler,2001,7:389-401
[11] Markowisch HJ,Mayes AR,Sauter B.The relationship between retrograde and anterograde amnesia in patients with typical global amnesia.Cortex,1997,33:197-217
[12] Yamanouchi N,Okada S,Kodama K,et al.Effects of MRI abnormality on WAIS-R performance in solvent abuses.Acta Neurol Scamd,1997,96:34-39
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[15] Iddon JL,Pickard JD,Cross JJL,et al.Specific patterns of cognitive imparirment in patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus and Alzheimer'd disease:a pilot study.J Neuo Neurosurg psychiatry,1999,67:723-732
[16] Aharon-Perets J,Kliot D,Tomer R.Behavioral differences between white matter lacunar dementa and Alzheimer'disease.Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord,2000,11:294-298
[17] Arnett PA,Rao SM,Hussain M,et al.Conduction aphasia in multiple sclerosis:a case report with MRI findings.Neurology,1996,47:576-578
[18] Derix MM,van Swieten JC,Steal S,et al.Are white matter lesions directly associated with cognitive impairment in patients with lacunar infarcts?J Neurol,1996,243:196-200
[19] Bobholz JA,Rao SM.Cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis:a review of recent developments.Curr Opin Neurol,2003,16:283-288
[20] Roman GC,Erkinjuntti T,Wallin A,et al.Subcortical ischaemic vascular dementia.Lacet Neurology,2002,1:426-436


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