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作者:张月娟1  龚耀先2 
单位:1. 河北师范大学教育科学学院 河北 石家庄 050091 
 中南大学湘雅二医院 湖南 长沙 410011 
关键词:中学生学业能力倾向测验 结构效度 效标关联效度 

目的:对中学生学业能力倾向测验进行效度研究。方法:确定效度检验指标,采集数据,使用SPSS11.0和Amos4.0软件对所得数据进行分析。结果:(1)探索性因素分析表明各分测验对基本能力因子均有中度以上的负荷,抽取的三个因子解释了总方差的65.4%(A式)和66.2 %(B式)。验证性因素分析的拟合指数AGFI、CFI、NNFI均在0.96以上,RMSEA小于0.05,χ2 /df小于3。(2)测验总分与长 -鞍团体智力测验总分的相关为0.73(A式)和0.52(B式),与教师评定的相关在0.51~0.67。(3)测验分数在不同年级之间、不同类学校之间,文理科班之间、男女生之间存在显著差异(P <0.05)。(4)学习成绩的回归分析可见,语文及数理分量表进入考试总成绩的回归方程,beta为0.27、0.49(A式),0.39、0.23(B式),回归方程的决定系数为0.46(A式)和0.2 9(B式)。结论:中学生学业能力倾向测验具有理想的结构效度和较好的效标关联效度,适用于中学生学业能力倾向的评量。

Objective: To test the validity of a new instrument, the Academic Aptitude Test for Middle School Student(AATMS).Methods:Data from 124 middle school students were analysed by SPSS11.0 and Amos4.0 program.Results:(1) Three factors were obtained in exploratory factor analyses, accounting for over 60% of the total variance.In comfirmatory factor analyses, the fit indexs AGFI, CFI, NNFI were over 0.96, RMSEA was below 0.05, and X2/ df was below 3.(2) Correlations between AATMS and CAITG(0.52~0.73),teacher.s rating(0.51~0.67) were substantially positive.(3) Therewere significant differences among schools, grades, classes, and sex.(4) Liner stepwise regression analysis showed that language and math sub-scales were important predictors(betas= 0.27, 0.49 and 0.39, 0.23 for AATMS- A, B respectively) for the total final exam scores, R2= 0.46, 0.29 for AATMS-A, B respectively.Conclusion: The structure of AATME is reasonable, and criterion-related validity were supported in present study.AATMS can be used for middle school students.


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