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作者:曾昭祥  姜文莲  房茂盛  李志成  高新学 
单位:山东省济宁市精神病防治院精神科 山东济宁272051 
关键词:精神分裂症 防御方式 父母教养方式 亲密度 适应性 


Objective:To investigate the defense style,parental rearing pattern and family adaptability and cohesion of patients with schizophrenia.Methods:Eighty patients with schizophrenia(the study group) and 80 normal controls(the control group) were assessed with the Defense Style Questionnaire(DSQ),Egna Minnenav Barndoms Uppfostran(EMBU)and Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale(FACESII-CV).Results:①The scores of DSQ neurotic defense factor and immature mechanism factor were higher in the study group than in the control group (P<0.01).The scores of mature mechanism factor in the study group were significantly lower than those in the control group (P<0.05).②Compared with normal controls,the scores of factors of being punished and refused of the study group were higher,at the same time,their scores of the over intervention of father and over partialness of mother were higher.However,the scores of factors of being cared was lower.③The fact and ideal scores of the family adaptability and cohesion in study group were lower than those of the control group (P<0.01).Conclusion:There was significant difference between the schizophrenia and the normal group in the defense style,parental rearing pattern and family adaptability and cohesion.


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