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作者:郭起浩  洪震  于欢  丁玎  周燕  吕传真 
单位:复旦大学附属华山医院神经内科 上海200040 
关键词:轻微认知功能损害 记忆障碍 阿尔茨海默病 


Objective:To analyze identify method of mild cognitive impairment.Methods:The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Chinese Revised (WAIS-RC) and Wechsler Memory Scale-Chinese Revised (WMS-RC) were examined in 150 patients with memory complaints.63 individuals whose intelligence quotient (IQ) and memory quotient (MQ) over 85 were designated as normal elderly group;and 33 individuals whose IQ scores over 85 and MQ score between 70 and 84 as mild cognitive impairment(MCI-1) group;and 25 individuals whose IQ scores over 85 and MQ scores between 55 and 69 as MCI-2 group;29 individuals whose IQ scores and MQ scores less than 85 and conformed with DSM-Ⅳ as Alzheimer disease group.Results: Picture short memory and mental control (B)showed the highest identification between the 2 MCI groups and normal elderly group.Besides,visual reproduction played an important role in mild memory decline (MCI-1) group.Tactile memory,logical memory and associated learning played an important role in moderate memory decline (MCI-2) group.Conclusion: Picture short memory and mental control (B) contribute to identify MCI speedily and effectively.


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