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作者:王长青  汪凯  孟玉 
单位:安徽医科大学附属医院神经内科 安徽合肥230022 


Objective:To study the neuropsychological features and explore possible mechanisms in pure word deafness.Methods:A case of a 55 year-old right-handed woman was analysed,who presented with a long lasting pure word deafness following subcortical and cortical hemorrhage in right temporal and parietal lobe.Results:There was no sign of aphasia.The auditory deficit was sepecific for language,while recognition of music and environmental sounds was normal.CT examinations showed that the lesion was due to right cerebral hemisphere hemorrhage,mainly the white matter of temporal and parietal lobe.Conclusion:It is proposed that pure word deafness was consequent to the isolation of Wernicke's area from incoming auditory information due to the interruption both of the association fibers from the right auditory area traveling across the corpus callosum and of the left auditory radiations.


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