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作者:任伟荣  姜乾金  钱丽菊  吴志霞 
单位:浙江大学医学院医学心理学教研室  浙江 杭州 310006 
关键词:神经症 压力反应 生活事件 社会支持 应对方式 对照研究 

目的:研究生活事件、应对方式、社会支持等应激有关因素与神经症患者压力反应的关系。方法:使用生活事件量表、特质应对方式问卷、领悟社会支持量表和压力反应问卷对88例神经症患者和100例健康人群作调查和分析。结果:神经症组的心理反应、躯体反应、社会行为反应、家庭事件和消极应对分高于健康组(P<0.01), 家庭外支持和积极应对分低于健康组(P<0.01或P<0.05)。多元逐步回归分析显示, 神经症组进入方程的是消极应对和社交事件(R2=31.9);健康组进入方程的是消极应对和家庭事件(R2=40.6)。路径分析也表明类似的结果。结论:神经症患者在心理应激有关因素方面大多差于健康人群;神经症患者压力反应与消极应对和社交事件关系较大, 而健康人群压力反应与消极应对和家庭事件关系较大;神经症患者的压力反应受本研究范围内各应激有关因素的影响相对较小

Objective:To investigate the correlation between stress reaction and other related psychological stress factors such as life events, social support, and coping style in neurosis patients comparing with the group of healthy persons. Methods:88 neurosis and 100 healthy persons were examined with LES (Life Event Scale), PSSS (Perceived Social Support Scale), TCSQ (Trait Coping Style Questionnaire), SRQ(Stress Reaction Questionnaire).Results:The scores of stress reaction, family events and negative coping style of neurosis group were significantly higher than those of healthy group, and the scores of social support out of family and positive coping style were significantly lower than those of healthy group. The regression analysis and path analysis revealed that in neurosis group stress reaction was directly correlated with negative coping style and social events, but in healthy group it was correlated with negative coping style and family events.Conclusion:Stress reaction may be directly affected with negative coping style and social events in neurosis patients, whereas it may be done with negative coping style and family events in healthy persons.


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