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作者:胡军生1  王登峰2  李泉1 
单位:1. 井冈山学院教育系  江西 吉安 343009 
 北京大学心理学系  北京 100871 
关键词:农村中学生 心理健康 社会支持 父母养育方式 

目的:考察农村中学生心理健康状况及其主要影响因素。方法:用SCL-90、社会支持评定量表和父母养育方式问卷对989名农村中学生进行调查。结果:农村中学生的心理问题主要表现为人际敏感、强迫、敌意、偏执和抑郁;女生心理健康较男生差, 高中生较初中生差, 高一年级最为严重。多元回归分析表明农村中学生心理健康的主要影响因素有主观支持、对支持的利用度、父母的拒绝与否认、父亲的过度保护、母亲的惩罚与严厉、性别、年级和是否独生子女。结论:农村中学生心理问题较为严重, 社会支持和父母养育方式对其心理健康有显著的影响。

Objective:To investigate the rural middle school students' mental health and explore its determinants.Methods:989 rural middle school students in Jiangxi province were investigated with SCL-90, Social Support Rating Scale and the Chinese versions of EMBU.Results:The major problem of mental health were interpersonal sensitivity, obsessive-compulsive, depression, hostility and paranoid ideation. There was remarkable difference between boys and girls, senior and junior high school students. Multiple regression analysis indicated that the major determinants of the rural middle school students' mental health were subjective social support, usage of social support, father's and mother's rejection and denying, father's over-protection, mother's punishment and rigidity, different sex, grades and only children or non-only children.Conclusion:The students in rural middle school, especially in senior high school, had severe mental health problems, social support and parental rearing patterns have a significant influence on mental health.


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