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作者:郭起浩  陆骏超  洪震  吕传真  周燕  丁玎 
单位:复旦大学附属华山医院神经内科  上海 200040 
关键词:轻度认知功能损害 听觉词语记忆测验 连线测验 Rey-Osterrich复杂图形测验 Stroop色词测验 

目的:探讨轻度认知功能损害(MCI)的两种常见亚型, 退行性MCI(NMCI)和血管性MCI(VMCI)的认知功能缺损的差异。方法:正常老人94名、NMCI组老人107名和VMCI组32名, 教育程度均在初中毕业以上, 全部完成头颅CT或核磁共振检查。神经心理测验包括简明精神状态量表(MMSE)、听觉词语记忆测验(AVMT)、连线测验(TMT)、Rey-Osterrich复杂图形测验(CFT)、Stroop色词测验(CWT)、言语流畅性测验(VFT)和画钟测验(CDT)。结果:NMCI和VMCI两组的MMSE总分没有显著差异, 即总体严重度匹配。VMCI组词语延迟回忆得分显著优于NMCI组。VMCI组的TMT-B耗时数和CWT-C正确数及耗时数显著多于NMCI组。VMCI组的结构模仿得分明显低于NMCI组, VFT和CDT在两组之间无显著差异。结论:NMCI以情景记忆损害最早最严重, 而VMCI以执行功能障碍为主。这个结果反映NMCI和VMCI两组被试病理机制的差异。

Objective:To analyze neuropsychological test identification of neurodegenerative (NMCI) and vascular (VMCI) subtypes of mild cognitive impairment.Methods:94 normal elderly, 107 NMCI and 32 VMCI were evaluated by neuropsychological tests, such as mini mental state examination(MMSE), auditory verbal memory test (AVMT), Rey-Osterrich complex figure test (CFT), trailmaking test (TMT), Stroop Color Words Test (CWT), Verbal fluency test (VFT) and Clock Drawing Test (CDT). MMSE total score of 3 groups were 28.1±1.6, 26.9±1.8 and 26.2±1.7 , respectively.Results:There are similar global severity between NMCI and VMCI groups. VMCI group performed better than NMCI group in verbal delay memory rather than verbal short memory, or figure memory. Stroop interference effect and TMT interference effect of VMCI group were more powerful significantly than that of NMCI. VMCI group also generated fewer figure copy score on CFT. But there wasn't difference on VFT and CDT.Conclusion:These results suggest that decline in executive function is associated with cerebral vascular factors, and decline in episodic memory (such as verbal delay memory) is associated with neurodegenerative factors.


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