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作者:王恩国1 2  刘昌2 
单位:1 河南大学教科院 河南 开封 475001 
 南京师范大学心理研究所 江苏 南京 210097 
关键词:工作记忆 阅读困难 语音回路 视空间模板 中央执行功能 


Studies on working memory in learning disabilities indicated that, children with reading disabilities suffer deficits related to the phonological loop (i.e., the inefficient accessing of phonological representation), and the central executive (i.e., capacity limitations in controlled attention processing). In other words, working memory deficits are fundamental problems of children and adults with learning disabilities. Combining with multi-approaches, future research seems to further explore why these working memory deficits result in learning disabilities.


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