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作者:李艳苓1  汤艳清2  沈丽红1  孙晶1  孙刚1 
单位:1 鞍山市中心医院心理科 辽宁 鞍山 114001 
 中国医科大学心理卫生医院 辽宁 沈阳 110001 
关键词:整合视听连续执行测试 注意缺陷多动障碍 儿童感觉统合失调 


Objective:To evaluate the integrated visual and auditory continuous performance test( IVA-CPT) and the ability of sensory integration in children, and then to investigate their correlation and the differences of ability of sensory integration in subtypes of ADHD children.Methods: 170 children were divided into four groups by the results of IVA-CPT, and then to assess the ability of sensory integration in each group of children.Results: In attention deficit subtype group, it showed negative correlation between visual response control quotient and the scores of noumenon feeling and body coordination. In hyperactive disorder-impulsion control disorder subtype group, it showed positive correlation between comprehensive scale response control quotient, visual response control quotient, comprehensive scale attention quotient, visual attention quotient and the scores of the development in learning ability. The scores of development in big muscles, neutralization felling and learning ability are lower than critical value in subtype of attention deficit and mixed type; The scores of development of learning ability are lower than critical value in hyperactive-impulsion disorder sutype, the scores of the sense of touch defence and mood are higher than critical value; the scores of others approached to critical value. Conclusion: The correlation between comprehansive quotient and the ability of sensory integration in different subtypes of ADHD is different according to the results of integrated visual and auditory continuous performance test. The ability of sensory integration is lower in every subtype of ADHD and they all have deficit problem of learning ability development; The imbalance of big muscles and neutralization felling in attention deficit subtype is significantly higher than hyperactive-impulsion subtype in children.


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[4] 陈一心,焦公凯,王晨阳,等.整合视听连续执行测试对认知功能障碍儿童的测试初探.临床精神医学杂志,2003,13:265-267
[5] Barkley RA. Behavioral inhibition, sustained attention, and executive functions: Constructing a unifying theory of ADHD.Psychological Bulletin, 1997, 121:65-94
[6] 陈一心,林节焦公凯,等.脑电反馈治疗注意缺陷多动障碍儿童的有效性分析.中国行为医学科学,2003,12:513-515


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