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作者:陈薇1  Freedom Leung2  王建平1  Carol Wai-yeeTang2 
单位:1 北京师范大学心理学院 北京 100875 
 香港中文大学心理学系 香港 
关键词:华人少女 食障碍问卷 信度 效度 常模 


Objective:The present study examined the psychometric properties of the Eating Disorder Inventory among Chinese adolescent girls in Hong Kong. We also attempted to establish age-specific norms for the EDI among Chinese adolescent girls of a broad age range.Methods: 2256 adolescent girls between the age of 12 and 18 years participated in this study.Results: The internal consistency estimates for the eight EDI scales were in the acceptable range, with alpha ranging from.68 for Perfectionism to.87 for Body Dissatisfaction. With the exception of a few items, the item-total correlations were also acceptable for the eight scales. Findings of the principal components analysis support the original eight clinically derived EDI constructs. Group comparison analyses reveal significant age differences and race differences in several EDI scales. EDI percentile scores are presented for girls 12-13 and 14-18 years of age in the present study. Conclusion: This study provides further empirical support to the transcultural validity of the EDI. It also highlights the importance of establishing age- and race- specific norms for the inventory.


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