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作者:马伟娜  林飞 
单位:杭州师范学院教育科学学院心理健康研究所 浙江 杭州 310036 
关键词:大学生 社会支持 自我效能 心理健康 


Objective:To explore the relationship between social support,self-efficacy and mental health in college students.Methods:SSRS,GSES and CPI were used to assess social support,self-efficacy and mental health for 880 undergraduate students.Results:There were significant differences of social support of college students in gender,grade and speciality.And females were higher than males in social support.The sophomore and junior students had higher scores than the freshmen in social support.Medical college students had higher scores than those in the other colleges in social support.There was significant gender difference in self-efficacy of college students.And males were higher than females in self-efficacy.Social support and self-efficacy were significantly correlated to mental heath.Self-efficacy had more effect than social support on mental health.Conclusion:Social support and self-efficacy were widely and significantly correlated to mental health of college students.


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