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作者:徐青1  杨阳2 
单位:1. 浙江大学理学院心理与心理科学系 浙江 杭州 310028 
 浙江大学校医院 浙江 杭州 310013 
关键词:督导 理论模型 心理治疗 


The clinical supervision of counseling and psychotherapy have a closely connection with clinical employment.Leading the way in clinical supervision,many clinical supervision models has been extrapolated by theories of various psychotherapy,relating to psychoanalysis theory,person-centered approach theory,cognitive and behavior psychotherapy theory,system theory,structuralism theory,and so on.Recently,especial,different clinical supervision models have to expand beyond psychotherapy,such as developmental model of supervision and society role model of supervision.The study has summarized clinical supervision models of the field,in order to offer literature index and concept frame.


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