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作者:胡军生1  王登峰2 
单位:1. 井冈山学院教育学院 江西 吉安 343009 
 北京大学心理学系 北京 100871 
关键词:社会支持 人格 中国人人格量表(QZPS) 心理健康 


Objective:To explore the relationship between social support and mental health,and constructing the influential model of social support and personality on mental health.Methods:Both cross-sectional and longitudinal questionnaire surveys were used on 192 university students.Results:Social support and personality had significant effect on mental health.Social support had indirect effect on later mental health via concurrent mental health and later social support,and personality was the modulating variable of social support to mental health.Conclusion:It indicates that social support can effectively predict mental health in 2 years,and it also has indirect effect on mental health via personality.


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