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作者:徐佳1 2  徐卉波3  施建农1  马福全4 
单位:1. 中国科学院心理研究所心理健康重点实验室 北京 100101 
 广东海洋大学艺术学院 广东 湛江 524088 
关键词:认知风格 美术 场独立 场依存 


Objective: To study the influence of art learning on the development of field independence-dependence cognitive style.Methods: Use transecting studying to group 168 senior school students according to their grades and art learning.Compare their scores of inlaid graphics completed in 15 minutes.Results: There were notable differences not only between Grade 3 art students(M=11.73) and non-art students(M=8.44), but between Grade 1 art students(M=9.17) and Grade 3 art students.There were no differences not only between Grade 1 art students and non-art students(M=9.31) but between Grade 1 non-art students and Grade 3 non-art students.In the 4 groups, the scores of Grade 3 art students were obviously higher than those of the other three groups.There was notable correlation between major and sex.The scores of female were influnced by major and grade.Different major and grade have notable interaction.There were notable differences of cognitive style development direction between art group and non-art group.The score of the art group was higher with grade increase and lower with grade decrease.Conclusion: Individual field independence-dependence cognitive style would be influenced by art learning.


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