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作者:吴东辉  胡赤怡  胡纪泽  林雄标  余常红  周云飞 
单位:深圳市精神卫生研究所临床心理科 广东 深圳 518020 
关键词:惊恐障碍 防御方式 防御方式问卷 


Objective: To evaluate the defense mechanisms most frequently used by Chinese patients with panic disorder.Methods: Forty-seven panic patients with or without agoraphobia, and thirty-senven controls participated in the study.The Hamilton Depression Scale(HAMD, Hamilton Anxiety Scale(HAMA) and global assessment function(GAF) were applied to assess the severity of depression and anxiety symptoms and social and occupational function, respectively.Defensive Style Questionnaire(DSQ-88) was used to evaluate defense mechanisms.Results: Compared with controls, panic patients had higher scores in projection, splitting, regression, somatization and total scores of immature defenses and higher scores in idealization, pseudo-altruism, omnipotence-devaluation, attiliation and total scores of neurotic defenses(P<0.05).Panic patients had lower scores in humor and total scores of mature defenses(P<0.05).Total scores of immature defenses were negatively correlated to the degree of education, and scores of attiliation were negatively correlated to the higher scores of GAF(P<0.05).Conclusion: Patients with panic disorder use more immature and neurotic defenses but less mature defenses.


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