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作者:牟君1  谢鹏1  杨泽松2  吕发金3  李勇1  罗天友3 
单位:1. 重庆医科大学附属第一医院神经内科 重庆市神经病学重点实验室 重庆 400016 
关键词:功能磁共振 情感 语言 正性情绪 负性情绪 


Objective: To explore the different brain areas activated by emotion-positive and emotion-negative word tasks, during the functional magnetic resonance image(fMRI) process.Methods: 6 healthy volunteers, with Han as their mother tongue, were required to think around the given words of either positive emotion or negative emotion.Functional images were collected by BOLD block design.Results: With 100% comprehension and cooperation, the subjects were able to tell two different emotions.The emotion-nagative words were prone to activate more areas than the positive ones, which involved superior frontal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus, superior parietal lobule on both hemisphere.The areas activated by emotion-positive words were mainly left hemisphere dominant.Conclusion: Negative emotion was easier to provoke and more areas were implicated in the process, which lay a basis for the research of patients with emotion and language disorders.


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