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作者:胡峻梅1  吴微莉2  邓珏琳3  刘关键4  董碧蓉4  吴红梅4 
单位:1. 四川大学华西基础医学与法医学院 四川 成都 610041 
 华西医院心理卫生中心 四川 成都 610041 
关键词:长寿老人 信心 主观幸福感 


Objective: To find the characteristics of the subject well-being and the influencing factors in old population over 90 years old in Sichuan Dujianyan city. Methods: Cross-sectional cluster sampling survey study was used. The total population of ≧90-year-olds were asked to participate (N=1401)and 877 were interviewed. 732 were interviewed and assessed with 23-item Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale (PGCMS), other scales were used including Family APGA Rindex(APGAR), Chinese Simple Mini Mental State Examination(MMSE), Ability of Daily Life(ADL), and Social SupportRate Scale (SSRS). Results: The median of total PGCMS scores were 17 and the inter quartile range was 13-19[M(QL-QU)=17( 13-19) ]. There was no significant difference among 3 age groups of PGCMS scores. The total PGCMS scores were significantly correlated with subjective support, objective support of SSRS and PGAR、MMSE, and Physical self maintenance scale(PSMS) of ADL. Conclusion: PGCMS scores show a negative and cliff distributions and it do not change with increasing age. The subjective well-being can be influenced by objective social support, subjective social support,cognitive function, family intimacy relationship and the ability of physical self-maintenance in daily life.


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