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作者:王栋  狄敏  钱明 
单位:天津医科大学医学心理学教研室 天津 300070 
关键词:瑞文测验 联合型瑞文测验 常模 


Objective: To revise the third time the norm of Combined Raven's Test (CRT-C2) applied for 10 years by standardized sampling. Methods: According to the population distribution of national survey in 2001, sampling was chosen from 17 provinces of 6 administration districts. The range of each age group was one year(male: female 1:1). It was designedto have 240 children in each age group, from 7 to 16 years old in city and 7-14 years old in rural areas, with original CRT text book and instruction. Results: The averages of raw score among age groups had an obviously increase along with the age. The differences of same age group between city and countryside were showed significance. However, no difference of gender among all age groups was founded. The Cronbach's coefficient, reliability of re-test and split-half of rural children were 0.94, 0.88 and 0.91 respectively. The correlation coefficients of test scores with the performances of Chinese and mathematics subject were 0.35 and 0.40.Conclusion: Two age norms of city (CRT-CC3) and countryside(CRT-RC3)were established based on new standardized sampling.


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