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作者:陈巍1 2  丁峻1 2  赵晶1 3  曹亮1 
单位:1. 杭州师范学院心理学系 浙江 杭州 310018 
 杭州师范学院认知与行为神经科学研究所 浙江 杭州 310036 
关键词:后悔 眶额皮层 反事实性思维 经典后悔理论 社会认知神经科学 


Recently, researches about regret have become more and more active, especially in the study focusing ondaily decision making, cognitive style and emotional experience. Clinical and neuropsychology also makes a deep explorationon it. This article briefly describes and reviews concept of regret, classic theories of regret and the study in theprogress of social cognitive neuroscience.


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