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作者:杨烨  王登峰 
单位:北京大学心理学系 北京 100871 
关键词:独立自我 人格结构 QZPS 自尊 


Objective: To study the relationship between independent self and personality structure and between independentself and self- esteem. Methods: 591 college students completed independent self scale, QZPS and Rosenberg Self- Esteem Scale. Path- analysis model was applied to analyze the relationship between independent self and personality structure; correlations between independent self and self-esteem were then calculated. Results: Three path coefficients were kept in the model, path coefficient between independent self and ways of life, path coefficient between independent self and behavior styles, and path coefficient between independent self and kindness, respectively. Correlation between independent self and self-esteem was 0.318, P<0.001. Conclusion: The study tends to support to explain independent selfwith ways of life, behavior styles and kindness on personality structure; people with independent self have positive-evaluated characteristics.


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