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作者:席艳玲  李华  韩静 
单位:石河子大学医学院护理系 新疆 石河子 832002 
关键词:右侧大脑半球 损伤 汉语 临床评估 


Objective: TO provide theoretic evidence for Chinese rehabilitation training to study the characteristics ofright hemisphere in recognizing Chinese and association between left and right cerebral hemispheres. Methods: 102 casesup to the qualification, including 41 patients with right-hemisphere-lesion (RHL) 、31 patients with left-hemisphere-lesion(LHL) and 30 healthy individuals as control, were collected and tested with The Standardized Aphasia Battery in Chinese(ABC)、Writing-scopy of Chinese Character and Visual Spatial Structure- scopy. Results: 14 aphasic patients, including 1 RHL and 13 LHLs, were found 11 of 72 patients had apparent reading disorder, including 7 LHLs with language reading disorder and 4 RHLs with neglect reading disorder; and 29 of 72 patients had apparent writing disorder, including 13 LHLs with language writing disorder and 16 RHLs among whom 9 cases had visual space writing disorder and 7 caseshad language writing disorder; RHLs showed lighter listenning comprehension disorder than that of LHLs in the test.Conclusion: Right hemisphere is mainly involved in Chinese written language recognition and processing, and one of themost important reasons of reading and writing disorder is left side neglect、visual consciousness and spatial analysis dysfunctiondue to RHL.


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