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作者:吴雨晨1 2  杨丽1  梁宝勇1 
单位:1. 天津师范大学心理与行为研究院 天津 300074 
 天津大学心理研究所 天津 300072 
关键词:乐观人格倾向 信度 效度 因素分析 


Objective: To discuss the theory model of dispositional optimism and develop the Dispositional Optimism Questionnaire (DOQ) for Chinese People. Methods: ELOT was analyzed with a sample of 108 undergraduates. DOQ was developed and evaluate with exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis with two samples of 216 and 334 undergraduates respectively. Results: ①ELOT did not show two- dimensions, and its statistical indexes were below the required standard.②Exploratory factor analysis showed that dispositional optimism questionnaire supported one-dimensional structure, and confirmatory factor analysis of the one-dimensional model showed good fit: χ2/df was 3.32, RMSEA was 0.08, SRMR was0.05, et al;the reliability and validity of DOQ was satisfying. Cronbach’s alpha was 0.932, the split-half reliability was 0.919, and the retest reliability was 0.802. Optimism was moderately associated with life satisfaction, depression, and anxiety.Conclusion: Dispositional optimism has one-dimensional structure; the psychological measurement indexes are fineand DOQ can be used to measure the individual dispositional optimism.


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