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作者:袁征  刘金平 
单位:河南大学心理系 河南开封 475004 
关键词:伪忽视 灰度标尺任务 反转效应 三视野速示 空间变形理论 


Objective:Two experiments were performed to research the effects of visual field factor on pseudoneglect and to test the theories about neglect and pseudoneglect.Methods:Experiment 1 employed the landmark task and greyscales task in tachistoscopic and forced-choice conditions.Experiment 2 employed the greyscales task and tachistoscopic visual three-field technique.Results:Experiment 1 manifested that greyscales had no crossover effect;the length factor had effect on the greyscales task as the landmark task, but it only affected the bias magnitude, not the error direction.Experiment 2 indicated that the main effect of visual field was significant:when the greyscales were presented in the middle or right, pseudoneglect manifested, but when in the left, pseudoneglect vanished.Conclusion:The results provide evidence supporting the hypothesis that the perceptual distortion derives from the attentional process.


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