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作者:李美华1  沈德立2  白学军2 
单位:1. 广东外语外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心 广东 广州 510420 
 天津师范大学心理与行为研究院 天津 300074 
关键词:执行功能 认知灵活性 学生 


Objective:To review the development of cognitive flexibility of the students of different academic achievement.Methods:320 students were selected from Grade Three of primary schools, and Grade Five;and Grade Two of junior middle schools, Grade Two of senior middle schools.There were 80 subjects in each grade and they were divided into 4 types.They were given two tests of cognitive flexibility.Results:①The students who studied well in both Chinese and math were the best in the two tests;On the contrary, the students who studied poorly in both Chinese and math were the worst.②The students who studied well in Chinese while poorly in math and who studied well in math while poorly in Chinese were both at the middle level;there was no outstanding difference between the two types of students in most of items of the two tests, but there was outstanding level between the two types of students in the specific items of the two tests.③The students who studied well in both Chinese and math were better than the students who studied well in Chinese while poorly in math and who studied well in math while poorly in Chinese in the two tests;there were some differences between the students who studied well in Chinese while poorly in math and who studied well in math while poorly in Chinese than the students who studied poorly in both Chinese and math.Conclusion:Cognitive flexibility has osculation relation with the schoolwork achievements of the students.


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