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作者:苏润萍  董选  任艳玲  王苏弘 
单位:苏州大学附三院 江苏常州市第一人民医院 江苏 常州 213003 
关键词:儿童 数学认知 ERP 


Objective:By analying the feature of ERP in children evoked by simple calculation and answer judgment, to explore the process of mathematics cognition in children.Methods:Simple additions and subtractions within twenty was used as visual stimulus, twenty grade-two pupils and twenty grade-five pupils were investigated respectively.Results:①ERP waveforms and components were coincident for the two groups.Calculation ERP components included N1, P2, N2, P3, N3;judgment included N1, P2, N2, P3.②In calculation, the declining branch of N2 for grade-five fell faster than that of grade-two, and the latency of P3 for grade-five was shorter.③As to answer judgment, wrong answers elicited more negative N2 than that of correct answers, and there was no statistic difference between the two groups in P3.④When calculating, two hemispheres correlative areas all participated, and frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital regions were active one after another;in late phase, the focus was primarily on the forehead, parietal and occipital areas.Conclusion:①ERP waveforms and components are steady and coincident for Children of different ages, the differences mainly focus on the declining branch of N2 and the latency of P3.②The process of answer judgment is different from that of calculation, and there are mental differences between the judgments of right answer and wrong answer.


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