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作者:郭起浩  孙一忞  虞培敏  洪震  吕传真 
单位:复旦大学附属华山医院神经内科 上海 200040 
关键词:听觉词语学习测验 常模 记忆减退 


Objective:To formulate the norm value of auditory verbal learning test(AVLT)in the normal aged in Chinese community.Methods:360 normal old people(55 to 85 years)in city proper of Shanghai were enrolled and evaluated by AVLT, MMSE test of words reading ability and executive ablity, memory self-evaluation and medical history related to cognitive impairment.Results:70% of the normal old people complained of hypomnesia;The age of 70 and 80 was the hinge points of auditory verbal memory decreasing.AVLT had a moderate relation to age, and a lower relation to educational level.Female did better in AVLT than Male.Furthermore, AVLT had a significant relation to MMSE score, a mild relation to memory self-evaluation, and only related to hypertension of all the medical history.The cut off score of short-term recall, long delayed term recall and total AVLT score(-1SD, -1.5SD and-2SD)was listed.Conclusion:Norm value of AVLT is an effective tool of testing memory impairment.


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