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作者:朱海燕  宋志一  宋星 
单位:云南师范大学心理系 云南昆明650092 
关键词:思维风格 PICTS 罪犯 


Objective:To compare Chinese and American Criminal’s thinking styles.Methods:79 male criminal’?were tested with CPI.Results:The comparison presented there were no difference between two criminal groups in the?Mollification scale and the Cutoff scale.Chinese criminals were lower than American Criminals in the Power Orientation?and the Super-optimism scale.However,they had higher scores than American Criminals in the Entitlement scale,Sentimentality?scale,Cognitive Indolence scale and the Discontinuity scale.Conclusion:Because of the different culture influence,there is much difference on the thinking styles of criminals between two countries.


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