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作者:袁立新1  张积家2  陈曼3 
单位:1. 广东教育学院教育系 广东广州510303 
 华南师范大学心理系 广东广州510631 
关键词:幽默感 心理健康 压力事件 


Objective:To investigate moderating role of sense of humor to the relationship between stressful events and?mental health.Methods:836 middle-school students were investigated by MSHS,ASLEC and GHQ-20.Results:Sense?of humor had a positive effect on students’ mental health,and strong humor could deduce the level of anxiety and depressed?emotion.Sense of humor could buffer the relationship of stressful events and depression,but it could not adjust the?relationship of stressful events with self-affirmation and anxiety.Conclusion:Sense of humor has a moderating effect on?the stressful events and some aspects of mental health.


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