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作者:方建群1 2  姚树桥1  辛秀红2  张学平2  石鸿兰2  黄彦科1 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理学研究中心 湖南长沙410011 
 宁夏医科大学临床学院心理学教研室 宁夏银川750004 
关键词:D型人格 冠心病危险因素聚集性 信度 效度 


Objective:To examine the validity and reliability of the Type D personality Scale(DS14) in both a coronary?heart disease(CHD) sample and a normative sample.To explore the clinical characteristics of Type D personality in patients?with CHD,and the interactions between Type D and classical risk factors for predicting the rate of clustering of CHD?risk factors.Methods:The study included 187 patients with CHD and 453 normative subjects,and they all filled out the?following scales:Demographics questionnaire and DS14.CHD patients were administered clinical examination.Results:The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of the two subscales of DS14 ranged from 0.68~0.89,the mean inter-item correlations?ranged from 0.28~0.52,the test-retest coefficients was 0.79 for NA and 0.82 for SI in the normative sample.A confirmatory?factor analysis provided a good fit for a two-factor model in two samples(with χ2/df<5;CFI?IFI?GFI≥0.90;RMSEA≤0.08).The percentage of the family history of CHD,smoking,fasting glucose,and CRP in patients with Type D personality?was higher than the ones in patients without Type D(P<0.05 ).The interactions between SI and TC predicted increased?the rate of clustering of CHD risk factors(β=1.81,P<0.05);while the interactions between SI and smoking exhibited decreased?predictive power(β=-1.03,P<0.05).Conclusion:The Chinese version of the DS14 demonstrated satisfactory reliability?and validity in both CHD sample and normative sample.Type D may exert influences on CHD via biological factors.


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