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作者:李兰  黄柳双  肖丽辉  周萍 
单位:湖南师范大学教育科学学院心理系 湖南长沙410081 
关键词:刺激材料 阈下情绪启动 Stroop 情绪自我评定 


Objective:To explore whether there is a significant difference between the affective priming effect of pictures?and words.Methods:The study used pictures taken from the international picture system and Chinese words as the?priming-stimuli,and took college students as subjects,then primed positive,negative and neutral emotions,and asked?subjects to accomplish stroop task and self-rating emotion task.The study took the design between 2(types of material) ×3?(types of emotion).Results:①In the stroop task,there were significant differences between the reaction time and error?rate of different emotions (F=36.216,P=0.000<0.05).In the self-rating emotion task,there was a significant difference between?positive and neutral emotions,but there wasn’t a significant difference between the negative and neutral emotions;②There weren’t significant differences between the reaction time and error rate,and the scores of the emotion assessment?of different materials.Conclusion:As emotional stimuli,pictures and words can produce affective priming effect,especially?the materials of positive emotions;words’affective priming effect is equivalent to pictures’.


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