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作者:胡雅娟  汪凯 
单位:安徽医科大学第一附属医院神经内科  安徽 合肥 230022 
关键词:MBEA 文化差异 音乐 情绪 心理测量 

目的:对蒙特利尔音乐测试,包括失音乐症测试(The Montreal Battery of Evaluation of Amusia,MBEA)及音乐情绪测试在中国进行试用研究。方法:57名正常被试对MBEA中的音高、时长、记忆项目进行比较判断,另外对36名大学生进行蒙特利尔音乐情绪测试,记录正确率与西方常模数据比较。结果:中外被试在音高系统、节拍、情绪类别判断上有明显差异,而在节奏、记忆上无统计学差异。结论:中西文化的差异主要影响了对音高系统和情绪类别的判断,对音乐的节奏感知影响较小。蒙特利尔音乐测试虽具较好的国际通用性,但仍需编制适合本土的相关测试。

Objective: This research carried out the native assessment to the Montreal Battery of Musical Evaluation, including MBEA and Musical emotion test. Methods: 60 normals were tested by MBEA (including 30 university students). Also 40 students were tested by musical emotion recognition battery. The correct rates were recorded and compared with western normals’ data. Results: There were significant differences in pitch judgments and musical emotion recognition be tween Chinese and Westerners, while rhythm perception and memory of music did not have significant difference between the two groups. Conclusion: Culture difference mainly influences the musical pitch perception in brain but rhythm. Chi - nese have its own understanding of western musical excerpts. Although MBEA is wildly accepted abroad, native analogy testing tool is acquired.


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