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作者:杨宏飞  姜美义 
单位:浙江大学心理与行为科学系 浙江杭州310028 
关键词:一般完美主义 特殊完美主义 压力 生活满意度 


Objective: To explore the mediation of stress between perfectionism and life satisfaction. Methods: 317?college students were surveyed with questionnaires. The data were analyzed by hierarchical regression. Results: ①Regarding?general perfectionism, both male and female students’stress fully mediated negative perfectionism and life satisfaction?but did not mediate positive perfectionism and life satisfaction; ②Regarding domain-specific perfectionism, male?students’appearance stress fully mediated related perfectionism and satisfaction, but for female students its mediation was?partial. Both male and female students’personality stress fully mediated personality perfectionism and satisfaction. Mediation?models involved academic, love, interpersonal relationship perfectionism and their related satisfaction were not found. Conclusion: The mediations of stress between perfectionism and life satisfaction are different in different life domains.


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