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作者:乔晓红1  俞建2  傅晓燕1  高鸿云3 
单位:1. 同济大学附属同济医院儿科 上海200065 
 复旦大学附属儿科医院中医科 上海200032 
关键词:性早熟 智力 自我意识 行为 


Objective: We studied the differences in intelligence, self-concept and behavior problem between girls with?true precocious puberty and the normal girls. Methods: 35 girls with true precocious puberty aged 8 to 10 years was put?into the research group; another 35 girls was put into the normal group (n=35). Both the research group and normal group?completed the Piers-Harris Children’s Self-concept Scale(PHCSS) and Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices in order to?evaluate their levels of self-concept and intelligence respectively. Their parents completed a Child Behavior Check-list?(CBCL) and a questionnaire on background status. Results: ①Children in the research group had significantly higher intellectual?level than those in the control group. ②The PHCSS yielded significantly lower scores of total self-concept, behavior?and somatic appearance in the research group than those of the control group. ③Higher scores of internal behavior?problems, external behavior problems, depression, poor social communication, somatic complaints, delinquent behavior and?aggressive behavior at CBCL showed in the research group than those of the control group. Conclusion: ①The level of?intelligence of the children in research group was higher than that of children in the control group. ②Girls with true precocious?puberty showed more behavior problems and lower level of self-concept than those in the control group.


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