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作者:陈图农  杨杏梅  王志庆 
单位:南京医科大学脑科医院 江苏南京210029 
关键词:抑郁症 内隐记忆 自我参照 


Objective: To test if self-reference can enhance remembering negative emotional valence words more than?semantic processing. Methods: A semantic processing group and a self-reference group each have 24 depressed people.?180 emotional valence words were divided into two groups (Set A and Set B). Semantic processing, recognition test and?Beck Depression Inventory assessment were conducted for the semantic processing group. Self-reference rating, recognition?test and Beck Depression Inventory assessment were conducted for the self-reference group. Results: Negative emotional?valence words were better remembered than positive emotional valence words in both semantic processing group and?self-reference group. But there were no significant differences in negative and positive emotional valence words in the two?groups. Conclusion: There is no self-reference effect of implicit memory in depressed people.


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