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作者:凌宇1 2  魏勇3  蚁金瑶1  肖晶1  姚树桥1 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理中心 湖南 长沙 410011 
 湖南农业大学科学技术师范学院 湖南长沙410128 
 湖南省教育考试院 湖南 长沙 410001 
关键词:CES-D 高中生 因素结构 验证性因素分析 


Objective:To examine the factorial structure of the CES-D in a sample of Chinese high school students.Methods:The Chinese version of CES-D was completed by 1044 Chinese high school students in urban areas and rural areas.Confirmatory factor analyses were employed to obtain a final solution.Results:The results of confirmatory factor analyses(χ2/df=4.344,GFI=0.934,IFI=0.915,CFI=0.915,NNFI=0.900,RMSEA=0.057) indicated that the original four factors provided a reasonable good fit for Chinese high school students:depressed affect,positive affect,somatic-retardation,and interpersonal relationship.Conclusion:Compared with the three-factor model,two-factor model and one-factor model,the four-factor model of the CES-D fit the data of Chinese high school students best.


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