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作者:耿晓伟1  郑全全2 
单位:1. 鲁东大学心理与教育学院 山东 烟台 264025 
 浙江大学心理与行为科学系 浙江 杭州 310028 
关键词:主观幸福感 自尊 内隐社会认知 IAT 


Objective:To examine the predictive validity of self-esteem for SWB with the approach of implicit social cognition.Methods:With the Implicit Association Test(IAT) and scales such as Index of well -being,Affect scales,SWLS,a total of 111 university students were tested.Results:①Self-esteem consisted of dual components which involved an implicit component and an explicit component.②SWB showed a model of dual components which involved an implicit component and an explicit component.③Explicit self-esteem could only predict explicit SWB,while implicit self-esteem could predict both the explicit and implicit SWB.Conclusion:The model of self-esteem predicting SWB shows that explicit self-esteem can only predict explicit SWB,while implicit self-esteem can predict both the explicit and implicit SWB.


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