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作者:沈树红1  郭起浩2  王少石1 
单位:1. 上海市第一人民医院分院神经内科 上海 200081 
 复旦大学附属华山医院神经内科 上海 200040 
关键词:逻辑记忆 轻度认知障碍 延迟回忆 


Objective: To compare the role in recognizing mild cognitive impairment of visual logical memory to auditory logical memory.Methods: 41 normal aged controls and 41 patients with mild cognitive impairment(MCI) were required to finish immediate recall and delay recall by visual and auditory logical memory test.Results: There was significant difference in immediate recall and delay recall between the two groups who received visual and auditory logical memory test,and the LM of visual logical memory test was superior to that of auditory one.Auditory logical memory-II could recognize more MCI individuals than visual logical memory-II.The accuracy of recognizing MCI by visual logical memory test was 88% when we set the standard score at 5 points,and 93% for auditory logical memory test with the standard score at 3 points.Conclusion: Delay recall of auditory logical memory test is the most sensitive one among all the logical memory tests for recognizing MCI.


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