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作者:彭红军1  孟宪璋2  龙英3  杨婵娟1 
单位:1. 广州市脑科医院 广东 广州 510370 
 暨南大学附属第一医院心理精神科 广东 广州 510630 
关键词:罗夏测验自主同一性量表 信度 效度 

目的:探讨罗夏测验自主同一性量表Mutuality of Autonomy Scale(MOA)在中国人群中的信度、效度。方法:符合CCMD-3的分裂症(偏执型)病人32例,躁狂症病人31例,抑郁症(单相)病人30例,及正常对照组32例,各组分别进行MOA评分,对照组一月后再次MOA评分,两不同记分者对同一记录分别MOA记分。结果:正常组MOA七等级及总相关系数为0.78-0.98(P<0.01),两记分者评分一致率在0.75-0.95,总一致率为0.91;MOA七变量可提取三个因素(DA、SI、SA;MC、OE;RA、DI),各因子负荷量均在0.50以上。七变量按三分法及七分法均能有效的区分被试是否有精神病。结论:罗夏测验自主同一性量表在中国人群中有较好的信度、效度。

Objective: Exploring the reliability and validity of object relations MOA scale.Methods: 32 schizophrenia patients,30 depression people,31mania patients were taken into groups,and 32 people in control group were taken,Patients taken must meet the CCMD-3 diagnosis criterion,Patients in different groups were evaluated by MOA,the control group were evaluated again after a month;two different surveyors evaluated the reactions of the same control group respectively.Results: There was a significant correlation between the two evaluations,the correlation coefficient are between 0.78 and 0.98(P<0.01);Two different surveyors evaluated the same control group and the coherence frequency is between 0.75and 0.95,the total coherence frequency is 0.91.The seven variables of MOA can reduce to three factors(DA、SI、SA;MC、OE;RA、DI);the three variables reduced by the seven variables of MOA and the seven ones can distinguish the people with mental disorders from the normal ones.Conclusion: Mutuality of Autonomy Scale(MOA) in Rorschach Test has good reliability and validity in Chinese people.


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