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作者:朱晓斌  王静丽 
单位:杭州师范大学心理系  浙江 杭州 310036 
关键词:学习倦怠 中学生 学习自我效能感 学业压力 结构模型 中介效应 


Objective:To build a relationship model of perceived academic self-efficacy, learning stress, and learning burnout of high school students.Methods:674 high school students were surveyed with Learning Stress Scale of High School Students, The Perceived Academic Self-efficacy Scale, Scale of Learning Burnout of High School Students.Results:Learning stress had a direct effect on a low level of learning efficacy, perceived alienation to teacher and physical exhaustion (The direct effect value were-0.22,0.12,0.27). At the same time, perceived basic ability and perceived control partially mediated the impact of learning stress on the low level of learning efficacy, perceived alienation to teacher and physical exhaustion (the mediated effect value were-0.155 and-0.264, 0.066 and 0.299, 0.089 and 0.233). Perceived basic ability and perceived control fully mediated the relationship between learning stress and emotional exhaustion (the mediated effect value were 0.033 and 0.387).Conclusion:The students with a higher level of stress reported suffering more learning burnout than those with a lower level of stress, and vice versa.


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