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作者:秦萍1  张勇2 
单位:1. 天津理工大学法政学院应用社会学系  天津 300191 
 天津市安定医院临床心理科  天津 300074 
关键词:贫困大学生 抑郁症 血浆皮质醇 认知倾向 应对方式 


Objective:To explore the relationships between depression and plasma cortisol, cognitive style, coping style in poor college students.Methods:173 poor college students and 258 non-poor college students were investigated with Cognitive Appraisal Orientation Test (CAOT), Simplifed Coping Style Questionnaire (SCSQ), Self Depression Scale (SDS) respectively, and levels of plasma cortisol were detected.Results:①By comparison, our study reported that there were higher levels of SDS(38.02±8.22), negative style(9.31±3.64), and lower levels of optimism(7.42±2.86) and total(11.07±3.52) of CAOT in poor college students than in non-poor college students(P<0.01). ②There were lower levels of optimism(6.02±2.76) and total (10.23 ±3.48) of CAOT in depressed poor college students than in normal controls (P< 0.01), showing significantly negative correlation between depression and optimism (r=-0.37,P<0.01); there were higher levels of negative coping (10.26±4.85), and lower level of positive coping (20.08±6.72) in depressed poor college students than in normal controls(P<0.01), showing significantly positive correlation between depression and negative coping(r=0.33,P<0.01);There was higher level of plasma cortisol (365.4±51.8) in depressed poor college students than in normal controls (P<0.01), showing significantly positive correlation between depression and level of plasma cortisol (r=0.46,P<0.01). ③Regression analysis showed optimism and level of plasma cortisol may predict depression in poor college students.Conclusion:Lower optimism and level of plasma cortisol may be risks of depression in poor college students.


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