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作者:傅根跃  马艳  丁晓攀 
单位:浙江师范大学教育学院心理系 浙江 金华 321004 
关键词:GKT测试 定向反应 研究范式 

犯罪知识测试(Guilty Knowledge Test,简称GKT),是Lykken在1959年引入的一种测谎测试程序。本文就GKT测试的认知原理—定向反应有关理论的发展及其与GKT测试的关系进行了介绍,并以此为起点,对GKT测谎研究的四种范式进行了分析与探讨,最后指出GKT测谎模式还存在的问题、相关的扩展性研究以及发展趋势。

Guilty Knowledge Test is a lie-detection procedure elicited by Lykken in 1959.This paper introduces the development of the cognitive rationale of GKT,namely orienting responses (ORs),and the relationship between ORs and the GKT.The paper also analyzes and discusses four paradigms of the GKT and finally points out the main problems existing within the GKT,some relative extended researches exploring for solutions and its trend of development.


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